A Natural and Safe Approach to Diabetes Treatment

diabetes treatment, Reimagined

Restore, Repair, and Revive.

Help for Diabetes is available – our unique, natural approach is totally different – and extremely effective!

Our in-depth diagnosis allows us to create a customized, tailored plan suited to your needs.  Your optimal health is our #1 priority.


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We Are Changing the Diabetes Narrative.


The way we help you to manage diabetes involves a comprehensive functional medicine approach, with the aim of reversing Type 2 Diabetes while taking great steps toward medically-assisted weight loss.

Our leading-edge therapies help to:


  • Speed up your metabolism
  • Clear out your insulin receptors
  • Assist your body in burning fat instead of storing glucose as fat

Reduce insulin resistance


Increase the amount of blood sugar entering the cell


Increase the conversion of sugar into energy

Benefits of Our Unique Treatment Program


No More Debilitating Fatigue

No More Fear & Frustration

Stop the Burning & Tingling Neuropathy

Stop Waking Up Thinking About Your Diabetes Symptoms

No More Tossing and Turning In Pain All Night

Stop Ignoring the Symptoms

Don’t Settle for Typical Pain Management

Reduce Need for Medication

No More Wasted Days

Stop Worrying About Disease Progression


Wake Up with More Energy


Reduce Need for Medication


Lower Your A1c by up to 61%


Potentially Lower the Dosing of Subcutaneous Insulin


Reduce Painful Neuropathy Symptoms


Get Back to Doing What You Want


Lose Weight


Get to the Root Cause of Your Inflammation


Get Active & Moving Without Pain


Feel Like Your Old Self Again

As Seen On:

What Causes Diabetes?

The Root Cause of Diabetic Complications

Diabetes is a growing global problem that is currently on the rise. Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a chronic condition that results from aberrant B-cell function coupled with progressive insulin resistance. The majority of Type 2 diabetic patients develop diabetic neuropathy, which can lead to devastating complications (i.e., infection, ulceration, osteomyelitis, & amputation). The proinflammatory state of diabetes, along with prolonged hyperglycemia, damages peripheral nerves (most common in the lower extremities).


of Diabetics Have Neuropathy Pain


10% of Total Medical Cost in USA. 


88 Million+


Are Pre-Diabetic

Diabetes and the associated complications affect over 34 million Americans, and an additional 88 million Americans are prediabetic. In 2019, diabetes caused $476 billion in health care expenditures, which represented 10% of the total medical costs for adults in America. Traditional treatment has primarily focused on changes in lifestyle and the management of symptoms; neither approach addresses the root cause of diabetes, metabolic failure.

Don’t Give Up Hope

Managing Your diabetic symptoms is possible with Platinum Health

“Every single person working there, is there for the benefit of the patient, appreciates the patients, and works diligently to provide them with the very best care.”

Stephen K.


Getting to the Root Cause of:




Kidney Disease


Peripheral Neuropathy


Liver Damage










Fatty Liver


Weight Gain/Loss


Wound Infections

There is Hope

Our Treatment Succeeds Where Other Methods Fail

How does the process work?

Every patient’s degree of insulin resistance and ability to metabolize carbohydrates is unique, so we begin with a consultation to determine medical necessity and establish an individualized care plan. The patient’s unique care plan typically includes an “Induction Phase” of weekly infusions, which is then reduced

in frequency as improvements are realized for approximately 90 days.

No one else experiences your exact symptoms — so you need a treatment plan that’s unique to you.


For people living with any of these frustrating diabetic symptoms, our Customized Care Plans are the best solution to finally help address your diabetic symptoms which may help you to regain energy, improve Neuropathy symptoms, lower your A1c and build your confidence that the treatment is working.

At the core of our plan is a series of treatments in our office using leading edge FDA Cleared technology.  Your care plan is completely customized to your specific conditions and needs.  There are no cookie cutter treatments here!

Our modern therapy is safe, gentle, and non-invasive.  A simple in-office procedure can improve circulation, aid in healing tissue, reduce swelling, and relieve your pain and get you back into feeling like your old self again.

Our treatments are used by thousands of healthcare practitioners across the globe.

This Stuff Works

Top 6 Benefits of Our

Diabetes Treatments 

We are amazed every day by the success our patients are experiencing!  Our unique protocol for diabetes treatment has enabled our patients to reduce or even eliminate most of their life-altering diabetic symptoms of the worst kind.  Our patients report the following top 6 benefits from our treatment.

1. Have More Energy

Improving your resistance to insulin and getting your body back into balance can quickly reduce a lot of your most frustrating symptoms.  But the most notable is the return of your energy.  You will be able to turn glucose into energy again!  This will revitalize your life and put that pep back into your step.  Imagine waking up with extra energy to take on the day and give you what you need to thrive and feel your absolute best.  

2. Improve Your Mobility

There is nothing worse than being unable to get around.  Having to ask for help, use a walker, or even a wheelchair.  Diabetes can cause Chronic Nerve or Neuropathy pain, and this can impact your ability to drive, go for healthy walks, and do the things you love like playing golf or spending time in the garden.  Restore your ability to walk around and feel free to do whatever you want.  Don’t waste another day living with diabetic pain.

3. Reduce the Amount of Medications You Need

Imagine no more waiting in line at the pharmacy.  No more days feeling “out of it” or constipated and tired from the medication you have to take.  Our patients are experiencing fast and long- lasting relief from a lot of their most troubling diabetic symptoms.  You may be able to lower the amount of insulin that is needed to regulate your blood sugar.  In fact, some of our patients have completely eliminated the need for ongoing insulin maintenance.  Reduced daily injections!  Go ahead and plan that next vacation without worrying about whether or not you will have fun because of your diabetic symptoms.


4. Regain Your Ability to Exercise

We all know how important it is to exercise on a regular basis, something that is very difficult to do with chronic diabetes. We get it.  It’s hard enough to stay motivated to exercise without the pain.  After your treatment with us you should be able to start exercising again.  Go on long walks, play ball, maybe get back out there on the golf course.  Without pain, you can finally get back to do the things you love!

5. Improve Your Quality of Life

We all understand that we have a limited amount of time here on Earth.  How valuable is your time?  How much is a day worth to you?  Living with frustrating diabetic symptoms including pain can feel as though you are not really “living” a life at all.  You are frustrated, grumpy, and just plain worn-out from feeling terrible all the time.  After our treatments, patients report having an increased feeling of vitality and aliveness.  How would your life be different if you didn’t have to live with your symptoms?  We can’t wait for you to find out!

6. Healing of Wounds

One of the most frustrating symptoms of diabetes is the inability for your body to heal wounds.  Foot ulcers, cuts, scrapes and even burns can be extremely troubling for people with diabetes.  The good news is that, with our treatment, we have seen a dramatic increase in the ability for our patients’ wounds to heal.  Combine this with special healing patches, and wounds that haven’t been able to heal can finally heal, and you can get back into normal life without worrying about the open wound.  This is one of the most valuable benefits of our treatment.

Diabetes Relief is in Reach with Our Treatment

Call Us Now

(651) 467-0117

Our team is waiting for your call.  What are you waiting for?


We will get to know you and your unique situation to decide how best to help you!

Treatment Day

If you are a candidate, your treatment begins as a simple in-office visit that will get you on your way to reducing pain!

Feeling Better

Some patients notice a difference after the very first treatment.  Others may take a few weeks to start seeing the results.

Our Story

We are different…

We are Platinum Health Solutions in Roseville, MN. Our extensive training, unique approach, and highly specialized therapies give our patients a huge advantage in re-establishing their active and normal lives.

To tell you the truth, we have other doctors calling and wondering how our patients get such good results while their patients continue to suffer.



Patients Treated

We are highly-trained and experienced in neuropathy pain relief.


Natural and Non-Invasive Pain Procedures

Every patient is different, so we like to have options to choose from.


Years In Practice

We are honored to have served the Roseville area for many years!

You May Have Seen us on TV…


What our patients are saying about us.

Patricia H.

“It’s still early on in my treatment but I am beginning to have results and that is very exciting for me. I’ve had such nerve pain for so long that any progress is a huge relief. I’m excited to see results as I get further into the program. The staff is terrific and very caring.”

Ross G.

“My feet hurt so bad I would cry at night from burning and itching. After just 2 treatments I no longer had the burning itching. I was able to walk thru the grocery store with out hurting. I love this treatment. I recommend it to anyone with feet pain. All the staff are wonderful.”

Samual C.

“I highly recommended this clinic for those who want to receive excellent care. From the second I walked through that door, It felt like I was being taken care for. From the front office to the back office, you guys are amazing at what you do, all of you.  Thank you!”

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Success Stories

Listen to what patients are saying…

We are very proud of the success stories we are able to share with you.  Don’t take our word for it; listen to the life-changing benefits patients are experiencing from our treatments!

“I’m the guy that said you can slow down nerve damage, but I still lost it. This technology puts it back together!”
“I went through my first round of treatments, my pain went away, and it helped tremendously.”
“I started feeling different after the 5th treatment. It was great! Circulation improved, balance improved, less pain”

“Yeah, when I am done my feet feel better for sure. It always feels a little bit better. I rated a 2 in pain after my treatment today. I would recommend trying this.”


“I have flexibility in my toes. The biggest impact has been on the cramping in my lower extremities at night.”
“After the very first treatment, when I drove home, my feet felt peaceful. The burning and tingling and sensations are gone. I look forward to the treatments!”

“The pain that I was having were like needles, sharp needles.  Terrible pain. It’s amazing how much pain is gone.”


“I just knew my feet weren’t right. When I first stepped in here my pain was a 10 or more.  I’m telling you it helps.  It helps so much!”
“After the very first treatment, I got a few minutes of relief!  I can walk, I got my life back!”
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